Secrets, Lies, and Chlorine Dioxide

Dear Internet,

There are several things about the use of chlorine dioxide in the treatment of autism that are troubling,  but perhaps none more so than all of the secrecy.  These parents know that what they are doing could get them in hot water with child protective services,  yet they still do it.  How desperate do you have to be to risk losing your children because you don’t want to face facts and admit they will always be autistic? Not only are these people lying to their children’s teachers and therapists,  they are also lying to their doctors,  and in some cases their own spouses as well as child protective services.  It is imperative,  Internet,  that we share this information with as many people as possible, so that these bleach people have nowhere left to hide. That way,  they don’t even have the option of lying to CPS, like this parent:


As you can see,  the other parents don’t even bat an eye when she says she is lying to CPS. In fact,  they encourage her behavior.  Here are more of the comments:


You would think this would encourage people to stop this dangerous practice,  but of course, they blame everyone but themselves and are quick to warn each other of the dangers of being honest with those who are tasked with caring for their children.





That last one is from an admin on the CD Autism page. It is amazing to me that none of this seems to deter anyone.  You would think that so much worry about CPS would be a red flag,  but it isn’t.  They just encourage the subterfuge and keep on dosing their kids.  Lying to anyone that might get in their way. This next poster lies to everyone.  She lies to her doctor:


The general public


And even her husband


Yup. Her husband.  This child’s other parent is kept in the dark about what is being done.  You have to be pretty underhanded to keep something like this from your own spouse.

How in the world do these people live with all of this lying? Well,  some don’t.  Some may remove their children from school altogether.  This way,  they can avoid those pesky interferences from people that actually want to protect their children.


When your naturopath thinks it is quackery,  you really might want to reconsider.

That’s why we need to share this information,  Internet.  We need to get this out to everyone so that these people have nowhere left to hide.  They need to be stopped and I know that together,  we can stop them.

Until next time,

Wait…what?! The mind boggling lack of logic or consistency in Healing The Symptoms Known As Autism

Dear Internet,
First,  I would like to say thank you for your interest and help.  I knew we could get the word out if we worked together and in the last two days,  you have helped me pass along this information to over 600 people in 10 different countries and I’m eternally grateful for you help.

Now,  I really need to talk to you about this crazy book,  Healing the Symptoms Known As Autism. When I wrote you regarding the disgusting enema situation,  I used this image from Rivera’s book:


Do you see the red box? Let me get you a better view:


Does that say “avoid breathing excessive amounts of this gas”? What? Why? Earlier in the book,  where Ms. Rivera was trying to convince us that 4 years of experience and an unconvicing personal anecdote were the same things as proof,  she said this:


Do you see that,  Internet? She says you can inhale it,  but then later says try not to inhale it.  So,  which is it? Well, I’m not sure Ms. Rivera knows,  but the CDC sure seems to:


Now,  I know what you’re going say: “but,  don’t these people think the CDC is a bunch of “big pHARMa” henchmen”? And yes,  typically they do except when it suits their agenda.  I mean,  Ms. Rivera trusted them enough to explain the life cycle of worms, so why can’t we use them too?


Anyway,  let’s get back to what’s important,  did you see in CDC text where it said that rats repeatedly exposed to 10ppm died after 10-13 days and exposure of a worker to 19ppm over an unspecified time was fatal? How can that be if CD is so “benign”? Could it be that they are using such small amounts?  Surely they aren’t anywhere near 10ppm, right?


Wait, what?! 3,000 ppm?! I’m no mathematician,  but I do know that 3, 000 ppm is a far cry from 10ppm, the lethal dose for those rats.

Well,  after picking up on these contradictions,  I decided to look for some more and what I found next was a doozy. In her FAQs, she had this question:


To which she gave this answer:


I’m sorry, can you repeat that? Mucus (the proper spelling when used as a noun, as it is above) is always a sign of inflammation? Always? The body creates mucus for protection. Sure,  it can become overrun and sometimes its purpose is to carry away pathogens,  but it isn’t always a sign of inflammation.  In fact,  continuously stripping your GI tract of mucus can cause serious damage as acids can then burn holes into your stomach and intestines.  I mean,  come on,  I learned that in 9th grade biology.  Didn’t you,  Internet? Just in case you forgot,  here is a refresher from http://


Holy moly,  if she can’t even get that right,  how can anybody trust anything else she says? Another head scratcher came in the forme of this Q&A:


Umm… is she saying to avoid anything very nutritious? And is she also saying that carrots help the worms? I could have sworn that later,  she goes on to say that carrots are great for ridding the body of intestinal parasites.  Oh, wait, she did.


Is your neck hurting yet,  Internet?  Mine is.  All of this back and forth is giving me whiplash.  Honestly,  I could do this all night because the book is simply full of logical conflicts,  but I’m pretty sure you get the point.  I have to laugh though, because while I was reading another great blog on the whack jobs, I saw where one of them asked the author if they actually read what was being written.  I think by now we should be asking Ms. Rivera the same question.

Until next time,

Let’s Not Lose Focus


Dear Internet,
I know it’s been a while and I’m sorry for that.  I intended for our communication to be an informative one and not just for the shock value of CDA screen shots,  so I really only post when I feel I have something pressing to say and today is one of those days.  Unfortunately,  the stress that comes with the knowledge of what is happening to these kids,  combined with the feeling of powerlessness that comes with not being able to save them all, can bring about some unfortunate results within the community of those fighting these atrocities.  We are all so very passionate about putting an end to this,  yet sometimes we don’t see eye to eye on how best to accomplish that goal.  This divide has the potential to be the very thing that allows Ms. Rivera and her ilk to win this,  but only if we let it. 

You see, Internet,  half of us are constantly in the public eye.  Half us put ourselves out there,  day in and day out,  making ourselves targets for those that wish to silence us.  Half of us will do anything we can,  say anything we can to shine a light on the discussing and abusive practices that are advocated by the likes of Kerry Rivera and her merry band of misfits. This in your face style led half of us to focus on one such misfit,  a woman by the name of Amanda Mary Jewell. Ms. Jewell is distributor and supporter of Gcmaf ans MMS. She has made a ton of money taking advantage of disabled and ill children and adults.  She is not a scientist and has a background in adult entertainment, a fact that was recently made public on another site. This revelation has had widespread consequences because ultimately,  her career in adult entertainment is irrelevant to the discussion of CD/MMS and as such, focusing on it discredits our efforts. It discredits them so much so that Autism Daily Newscast has issued and embargo on all outside submissions pertaining to CD/MMS or Gcmaf. You can read more about that here. Half of us stand behind them in this decision and half of us do not. Personally,  I think that focusing on her past was not the right thing to do, but I also think that these things happen and it is time to move on.

As for the other half of us, that half remains largely in shadows. That half has many balls in the air and many projects going on, but they keep it close to the vest because of the nature of what they are trying to accomplish. This is the half that is in constant contact with law makers, government officials, and federal investigators. This half doesn’t want nor need to be in the public eye to accomplish their tasks. In fact, going into the eye, at this point, would be counter productive, but don’t be fooled, Internet,  that doesn’t mean they aren’t hard at work.

Now, ultimately, these two halves need each other. They are two halves of the same whole and without the other, they are incomplete.  It’s time we stop the bickering and the finger pointing and remember why we are here and what our ultimate goal is. We need to lay down our swords and come together because until we do, more kids will suffer. Kids like this poor sweet


heart here:


And this one:


And this one:

Our cause needs those brave enough to be front and center, as well as those brave enough to go up against governments. What it doesn’t need is us focusing our venom on one another rather than the real enemy. Let’s not lose focus here. If we do , Rivera wins.  

Until Next Time,
No More Bleach

Illinois Gives Kerri Rivera Her Walking Papers


Dear Internet,
In an exciting turn of events, the State of Illinois has forced Kerri Rivera in an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance prohibiting her from making claims about the efficacy of chlorine dioxide, as well as participating in any sales or consultations within the State. This comes on the heels of a story about Rivera by NBC Chicago discrediting Rivera and the use of chlorine dioxide to treat autism or anything else. Hopefully in the near future, the rest of the nation will follow suit. 
Until Next Time,
No More Bleach

Where In The World Is Kerri Rivera?


Ms. Rivera has put her site back up. I suppose she had to do something to keep her people from thinking she had abandoned them. It must be hard to choose between losing your freedom or losing your fandom.

Dear Internet,
There has been an interesting turn of events where the bleach people are concerned. I’m not sure if you’ve been following the story, but Daniel Smith, the guy that was being prosecuted by the FDA for selling MMS, has been convicted and he currently faces up to 37 years in prison.  We were hoping that would happen, but we didn’t expect what happened next.

Today we discovered that when you go to, you are greeted with this glorious message:


And when checking sites like you see  this:


Word around crazy town is that Kerri is “taking a break”, but does that require shutting down all of your websites and your email address? That’s what it appears Ms. Rivera has done. Check it out:




The gentleman referred to as “Michael” is their attorney. Interesting, huh?

Could her “much needed break” have anything to do with the fact that the courts have now set the precedent that distributing MMS as a “cure” for anything warrants prison time? Or that Ms. Rivera disappeared shortly after stepping foot on American soil? Is Kerri Rivera hiding to save herself? What do you think, Internet?

Until Next Time,
No More Bleach

You Can Help Put A Stop To Chlorine Dioxide Usage As A “Cure” For Autism.

Dear Internet,

I know it has been a while since our last correspondence,  but hopefully you’re doing well. Since I first began writing to you,  the number one request I have received is to provide you with a way to help.  First,  let me say how incredibly awesome it is that you want to help and second,  thank you!  This is why I take the time to do this.  The more people that we have fighting against the use of chlorine dioxide as an autism cure,  the sooner we can help these poor,  abused children. 

So,  Internet,  something you can do that would require very little effort, but would have tremendous impact should we succeed, would be to let Amazon know how you feel about them giving Kerri Rivera a platform upon which she can peddle her poison. Take a minute to sign our petition,  requesting that Amazon remove her book. Then,  head on over to Amazon and leave a review letting people know how you feel about the book. Also,  If you feel that some reviews are more helpful than others,  let them know that as well.  Then,  if  you really want to help,  share the petition with others. Please understand,  I would never ask you to do something that would be dishonest or against your personal moral code,  so only provide feedback that you truly believe and wish to provide. 

While we are on the subject of Amazon reviews,  I thought it might be fun to take a look at some of the more eyebrow raising ones left by the bleach people.  It is easy to look at a product with 3.9 stars and think it must be an okay product,  but when you take a closer look,  you began to realize that something is quite amiss.

Before we even get into the individual reviews,  let’s take a look at the overall numbers. 


Am I the only one that thinks it’s odd that the reviews are either Five Star reviews or One Star reviews? Sure,  there are the six outliers,  but for the most part,  everyone thinks this book is perfect. Hmm. Of course,  that could be because the bleach people are starting to feel the pressure of the negative reviews and have sent word back to the hive that help was needed. 


I am fully aware of my own hypocrisy, but I’m OK with it.  What I really want to point out here,  is that the line about honesty is in lower case,  while the rest of it is in Caps lock. Randy here actually took the time to turn it off before adding the line about being honest.  That shouldn’t be surprising though; we have seen Randy’s antics before.  Do remember Dr. Keith Hudson? Same guy.  This is how he describes those of us that take the time to speak out against this practice:


Let that sink in for second. Do you find it as entertaining as I do? Maybe not,  but I always get a little giddy when someone insults the intelligence of another by way of a paragraph that would make a 4th grade English teacher feel like a failure.  It gets better, though.  You see, Internet,  Randy is the one that let me into CD Autism in the first place.  So obviously,  I’m at least smarter than he is. Perhaps someone in the hive should rethink using him as the group’s new member screener.

Moving on to the Amazon reviews,  here is my personal favorite:


It’s probably safe to assume that Autism Mom is a “former” science major because actual science was far too difficult for her.  So difficult, in fact,  that she couldn’t properly lie about the  experiment she obviously fabricated.  Hey,  Autism Mom, bleach is a base. If you got “highly acidic” numbers after adding an extremely basic chemical,  you might want to have your water checked.


The next one contains a pretty common belief amongst the CD Autism crowd:


I have said it before and I will say it again,  I do this because I truly believe these people are abusing their children and it needs to end.  I am in no way affiliated with any aspect of “Big Pharma” and I don’t get paid a dime for this.  At all. I would also like to point out that I have read the book and I have spent nearly 6 months within your walls and it all still seems bat crap crazy to me.


That one ^^ was a response to a negative comment.  I can’t be certain of course,  but troll hunter sounds a lot like my buddy Randy with his utterly contradictory comment.  I mean,  if the author of the original post really was a “paid troll” wouldn’t that mean they already had a job? 

Kerri Rivera loves blaming negative press on the elusive “Pharma Troll” as well.


But,  as we already know,  the only people counting on lies to help them make a profit are Ms. Rivera and her hand of merry bleachers.

Perhaps the most ridiculous argument used by the bleach people is that CD is not bleach.


It’s ridiculous because,  as we have already established, it is a bleach. What it’s not, is “household bleach”. It is not Clorox and I have never claimed it as such.  That said,  the fact that it isn’t Clorox doesn’t mean it isn’t dangerous.

With that,  Internet,  I’m going to leave you to do as your conscience dictates.  If you want to sign the petition,  please do.  If you want to let Amazon know what you think,  please do that as well.  However,  if you don’t,  that’s ok too. I’m not here to tell you what to do.

Until next time,

Kerri Rivera is Giving Her Book Away For Free


Dear Internet,

The following note was posted to Kerri Rivera’s book site on March 12th. I was going to condense it some, but it is so chocked full o’ crazy that I’m leaving it as it appeared:

Kerri’s Response to the Critics
March 12, 2015

Since the first edition of this book came out, I and the book have been attacked by some for the protocol it teaches. No big deal. I’m an adult and can handle criticism. Unfortunately, the attacks have recently grown into a media firestorm with all kinds of sensationalistic disinformation being put out.  The media headlines imply that we are pouring industrial strength bleach down our kid’s throats. The picture being painted is an incredible distortion of reality.  In the world of media, this is called SPIN.  Politicians use it all the time against each other to put their opponent down and hurt their public image.  Just consider all the nastiness said in election campaigns. Unfortunately, in this case, the ones being hurt are those who could be helped by a protocol that has in fact helped many around the world either recover or at least improve the symptoms of autism.

Those waging the war against this protocol have started petitions aimed at Amazon to have the book removed and banned. They are also attempting to keep me from speaking at the next AutismOne conference, where I have presented for the last 3 years. This is nothing short of attempted CENSORSHIP of the worst kind.

This situation has now compelled me to release the complete second edition of my book for free as a downloadable ebook. Now everyone can judge for themselves what the CD Autism protocol is really all about. That should put an end to any attempts to hide a protocol that has helped thousands around the world.

The mainstream news media has become nothing more than a mouthpiece for the medical establishment which repeatedly says there is no cure or treatment for autism, and that we parents should simply learn to accept our children as they are.  That is complete nonsense!  I know my son Patrick was not born with autism and I know many, many parents who say the same thing about their children.  I also know that since biomedical interventions for autism came into his life, Patrick has improved tremendously.

The CD Autism protocol grew out of my family and I spending years of time and lots of money looking for things that would help our son’s condition. Those efforts have resulted in Patrick improving from being out of control, not sleeping and making no eye contact – to a young man who is largely self sufficient, can verbalize his needs and desires, enjoys going to school and spending time with peers, and expresses love for his family.

Over the years, we learned what works and what doesn’t. Many people asked me to share my experiences and I did… thousands of times. Eventually, it became obvious that doing so individually was exhausting and not scalable. Thus it was decided to put the knowledge into book form so it could more easily be shared.

I have no time to be debating every critic in the world. But I would like to address a few of the most common received:

“I have autism/aspergers and I don’t think someone should change me.”

The CD Autism Protocol was designed to help those who are limited by autism, especially children who are out of control, have violent rages, are unable to communicate and are often in pain. These are children that need more than just a parent’s love and acceptance. I know numerous parents who were on the verge of institutionalizing their children because they could no longer take care of them. There are also a growing number of murder/suicide cases in the autism community as parents with no resources and no support see no other way out. .

“Your testimonials are just anecdotal and have no value.”

In today’s world, many of us use anecdotal data to make important decisions.  For example, Amazon, Ebay, Yelp, and others use feedback to help others determine if a product or service is good. In the world of medicine, doctors, dentists, clinics and hospitals often depend on patients providing recommendations to family and friends. Not to mention courts of law using testimonies as evidence which lead to verdicts.

Many factors can contribute to the credibility of anecdotal evidence including:

The number of testimonials or claims. We have well over 180 published in our book, plus there are numerous video testimonials online.
The consistency of the observations and claims. If you carefully read the testimonials you will see consistent positive changes in several areas, including gastrointestinal health, communication, socialization, etc.
The credibility of witnesses. In the eyes of our movement there is no more credible source than the caregiver–The person who is around the child 24 hours a day, and who has the most to gain from the application of this protocol.
What the witnesses/experiencers stand to gain from their testimony or claim. The parents who have made their stories and faces public have nothing to gain other than the possibility of helping another family discover a method that works.  I have never paid anyone for a testimonial!  In fact, some of our families have been smeared on websites and blogs for having the courage to speak up and share how they helped their children.  This is serving as a form of censorship by scaring protocol users from sharing their experience.
“What scientific evidence do you have that proves this protocol is both safe and effective?”

I make no bones about it. This protocol was developed and improved over time by a grassroots effort of parents around the world who were not willing to accept that they could do nothing for their children. The volume of testimonials speak for themselves.

It should also be noted that just because the FDA, NIH, or even a highly respected medical journal says something is (or is not) safe and effective, doesn’t make it so.   That’s not just my opinion! In the 2009 article, “Drug Companies & Doctors: A story of Corruption,” Dr. Marcia Angell, former Editor-in-Chief of the New England Journal of Medicine wrote:

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.”
Not too many years ago, the medical establishment denied there was any medicinal value in marijuana. We all now know that was incorrect. Doctors who knew better years ago were ostracized and called quacks for even suggesting there might be a value. Today, CD is where marijuana was 10 years ago.

“Chlorine Dioxide is nothing more than an industrial bleach… you might as well go to the store and buy Clorox and drink that.”

Yes, you are right that chlorine dioxide (CD) is used in industry! In fact, so is water, salt, vinegar, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, and countless other important chemicals. That does not mean it has no value in medicine or food. In fact, Coumadin (Warfarin) a common blood thinner is also useful as a rat poison.

Anyone who thinks the CD Autism Protocol advocates pouring bleaching strength CD in a child or adult isn’t even close to having their facts straight. That chlorine is a chemical constituent of CD is a media spinmaster’s dream come true. For those who have no knowledge of chemistry, I should point out that plain table salt has chlorine as a key constituent.

The bleach you use to whiten your clothes is a very different chemical (sodium hypochlorite) and I highly suggest you never drink it or you will have a problem.  Any journalist suggesting that household bleach is the same thing as chlorine dioxide should be fired.

“OMG, children with autism are being given bleach enemas and their insides are coming out.”

Anything related to what happens in the toilet is another spinmaster’s toy.  Let’s grow up and realize that colon health is an important part to overall health for all of us. There are plenty of reports in established medicine that show there is a connection between autism and gut issues (see studies here, here and here).  In our own research and discovery… it is probably the biggest issue for a person suffering from autism. Therefore any attempt to improving autism involves improving (1) diet and (2) colon health.

Enemas are nothing more than a tool that allows a person to clean the colon at home. There are licensed clinics around the world that specialize in cleaning the colon more thoroughly than what can be done at home with an enema. This is called colonics or colon hydrotherapy. Anyone suggesting that this is some barbaric procedure has a problem with their mental view of how the body works.

One of the biggest discoveries we have made is that there is a clear connection between autism and pathogens/parasites.  This is something that some media reports have attacked us about especially aggressively.   They say that what is coming out in the toilet are not parasites but rather intestinal linings. Hmmm… what about those moms who have seen live worms swimming in the toilet after their kid went to the bathroom? The book has plenty of pictures (in color in the free ebook). Have a look and see what you think!

“This book advocates child abuse. It should be banned from Amazon!”


It IS child abuse to allow any child or adult to suffer from the symptoms of autism when there are things that can be done to improve their health.

It IS child abuse to simply sedate a child who exhibits Self-Injurious Behaviors (SIBS), while not bothering to look for and correct the underlying problems/pathologies.

And, it IS child abuse by the medical establishment to repeatedly say that there is nothing that can be done for a child with autism other than prescribing antipsychotic drugs.

The CD Autism Protocol is not the perfect answer to autism, but it is the best I know of to come along in years. The best answer to autism is to be lucky enough to not be touched by it.


This is awesome. She sounds like she is completely losing her mind. As we have already established, Chlorine Dioxide is industrial strength bleach.
So with that in mind, let’s take a minute to really process what she is saying in that last paragraph. If you are not bleaching your autistic child, you are committing child abuse. Oh boy.

Also, did you notice how she conveniently skated right over the enema issue? She didn’t say one thing about her fictitious parasites. She must really think people are stupid.

I encourage all of who have ever had questions about what CD really is to take this opportunity to read the book and decide for yourselves. I promise you it is so much worse than you could’ve imagined. After you’ve read it, let Amazon know how you feel about them selling it by clicking here for the petition.

Until Next Time,

Check Out CD Autism For Yourself


Dear Internet,

The bleach people are running scared.  They have decided to close up shop on Facebook and move their abuse to what they believe is a “safer” location. Click here to see it for yourself. All you need to join is a valid email address. It is so much easier to join than the Facebook page, since you can use an anonymous email address. Once you click the link to validate your email,  you’re in. Check it out.

  So,  one might wonder why they are moving but that shouldn’t be too hard to figure out. They are scared.  Plain and simple.  With the Stanley Family losing their children over MMS, among other things,  and several of them being reported to CPS, they have decided to move to a location where they can use fake names.  They even have a thread over there that gives advice on how to deal with CPS because, believe me,  they are being investigated.


They are being lulled into a sense of security by their admin:


But unfortunately for them,  all they have done was made it easier for people to access and see for themselves how awful this is. They are even being told that the forum can’t be subpoenaed,  which is laughable.


Their members are right to be concerned.  The site’s server is located in the Netherlands


…and while they do have some strict laws concerning user privacy,  the members of CD Autism might be interested in this information:


The Supreme Court of the Netherlands decided that in cases where refusal to reveal a users identity might “unlawful or harmful towards a third party”, papal information can be disclosed. Given what they are posting over there, I would say this is pretty harmful.




So check it out,  Internet.  Sign up,  look around,  and if you feel so inclined,  let them know how you feel about the bleaching of autistic individuals.  Just know that if you do decide to comment, it will never actually clear the moderation,  since the board is heavily censored. However, it would keep the mods busy.


I wonder how many negative posts or posts that paint CD in a negative light they deny.

Until Next Time,

Vaccines & Measles: More Lies From CD Autism

Dear Internet,
There are currently two vaccine related posts on the CD Autism Facebook page,  so I thought this would be a good time to address some of the falsehoods being propegated over there.  The first was this gem,  that surfaces now again, whenever someone uniformed about how vaccine inserts work wants to confuse the situation further.


First,  I think it’s important to point out that Tripedia is no longer on the market.  It was discontinued in 2011. However,  the antivax community likes to point to this as “proof” that the companies “know” their vaccines can cause autism.  The problem with this is that an “adverse event” is not the same as a side effect.  Ironically, the CD Autism group confuses the two even though when it comes to their own product,  they swear that the people that argue against using Chlorine Dioxide do so because they confuse “side effect” with “herxheimer reaction”. If you are interested in a good explanation of how the inserts work,  check this out.  While the antivax crowd is quick to point out this section of the insert,  they fail to highlight the most important statement on this page, which is found in the same paragraph.


Just because it is listed here doesn’t mean that the vaccine caused it.  Would you like to know what else is mentioned in the insert?


Motor vehicle accidents and drownings.

Adverse events are simply things that were reported either during the clinical trials or post approval. In the case of autism,  it was post approval, which means it is even less reliable than it would’ve been had it shown up during the trials.
The insert then goes on to direct people to VAERS where they can report any other adverse events that occur. The problem with VAERS though is that they can report any adverse event, such as turning into the Incredible Hulk or Wonder Woman.

The second vaccine related post on CD Autism this week was this one :


While it is encouraging to see that at least one person in her family has a modicum of sense,  the comments that followed are enough to make you crazy.



These people are nuts,  but the last comment is particularly troubling,  because this is a blatant falsehood being made to look like truth by the presence of links.  Let’s take a closer look at what that last person said:


Oh boy.  See, this sort of thing really gets me fired up because it is an outright lie being stated as truth for the sole purpose of deceiving people.

This blog has some great info in the comments section. Science Mom does a really good job of giving specific links and explaining what they all mean. 


She goes on to provide several links to show that she is correct about this. You can find them in the comments section by following the above link.  One of them, from the Journal of General Virology, states the following:


Which essentially means this (for our meme loving antivax friends):


Finally,  I would like to leave you with something else the CD Autism crowd sees as the ultimate proof,  some testimonials.  Take the time to read about the Parents Who Regret Not Vaccinating. Their stories are heartbreaking.

Until next time,


Behind Enema Lines

Dear Internet,

I know I usually have a specific topic when I write about chlorine dioxide for the treatment autism but today,  I am just going to highlight a typical day on the CD Autism Facebook page.  It gets difficult seeing this stuff day after day and not being able to respond to it,  so this is a way for me to get it off my chest.



This guy’s family member is right to be concerned and of course Jim Humble would say it helps, he invented this latest form of quackery.



How much do you want to bet the answer is parasites?


The answer is always parasites.  My own child does the when he sleeps.  His neurologist suggest further testing,  not parasite protocols and chlorine dioxide ingestion.  Of course,  he is a real doctor and not some quack with three years of homeopathy school.



You have been giving your child bleach enemas for the last 8 months and you have no idea why your child might be having gastrointestinal issues? And take a look at Ms. Rivera’s answer: “Pissed Off Worm Syndrome”? She must have attended the Doc McStuffins School of Medicine.  I would link you to an article on pissed of worm syndrome but there aren’t any beyond those associated with CD Autism.



He’s cured!



Ugh. As a former speech pathologist, this one bugs me.  Why doesn’t your therapist get any credit? Could the two years of speech therapy be a reason you’re seeing an improvement? How about the fact that articulation tends to improve as kids age? Nope. It’s got to be the bleach.



The confusion here is that CD does kill viruses,  but on surfaces. All of the studies that the bleach people hold up as proof are studies done on CD as a surface disinfectant. 



Who cares if the label says not to drink it?


Not Kerri Rivera.



Autistic kids often have sensory issues,  especially when it comes to sound.  Ear covering could be a number of things from the environment being too loud,  to simply liking the way it sounds when he covers his ears.  Is this really this lady’s biggest concern today? I bet Kerri’s answer is more CD.


Nailed it.



Seriously,  this reads like satire.  Throw in the fact that Kerri posted this herself and I don’t even know where to start.  These desperate people are seriously in need of some immediate interventions to help their kids. <<< That is a 15 word sentence. Is the Spanish learning spontaneous or is he repeating what he hears while watching Dora and Diego?



What exactly makes food suspicious? My bread was kind of giving me the stink eye this morning.



I ask myself this every time I log in.  Every. Time.



*gasp* He laughed?! Definitely bleach time.  We can’t have happy,  autistic children. In all seriousness,  I see so many complaints about laughing that it makes me sick.



It might have something to do with the fact that this was never the intended use of the ATEC… or that you are seeing what you want to see. Take your pick.



Repeat after me: The answer is always parasites or pathogens.  Always.


See? Every time.

And finally…



Angry children and pissed off worms? I. Just. Can’t.

Until next time,